Online Shopping in Canada is “Surging”
The industry has been quick to blame eCommerce for the closing of brick & mortar (offline) stores, but in reality, that view is grossly over-simplified. It would be more accurate to say the demise of some retail stores has been due to their ineffective use on the Internet, crippling their ability to remain competitive in a retail environment that is in a perpetual state of change. In truth, fully omnichannel stores have an edge over both online-only and offline-only stores. Today’s Canadian consumer wants it all.
That said, it’s certainly true that online shopping has increased in Canada. According to a recent Angus Reid poll, only 7% of Canadians say they’ve never made a purchase online. 37% shop eCommerce at least monthly. 75% of those that do shop online said they spend up to $200 per month, and 10% claim they spend up to $500 each month!
- 1% of Canadians surveyed said they shop online once per day
- 4% shop online several times each week
- 6% purchase online weekly
- 19% make a purchase on the Internet several times per month
- 18% shop online monthly
- 37% purchase online a few times per year
- 3% go online to buy something once a year
- 6% shop online less than once per year
- 7% have never shopped online
“By nearly any measure – number of shoppers, number of purchases, amount spent, growth in retailers’ profits – Canada’s digital commerce sector is surging,” states the Angus Reid report.
Read More : https://canadiansinternet.com/online-shopping-canada-surging/
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